(1night trip)Staying at Kurashiki Bikan Histrical Area in Okayama
We recommend to tour around “Okayama Castle,” one of the Japan’s 100 famous castles, “Okayama Korakuen Garden,” one of the three most famous Japanese garden in Japan, and “Bitchu Matsuyama Castle,” the only mountaintop castle tower that remains in Japan. In Day2, you can enjoy the beautiful white-walled buildings townscape at “Kurashiki Bikan Histrical Area” and the first private western art museum in Japan “Ohara Art Museum.“
Okayama Sta.(9:30)==<15min>==【1】Okayama Castle(45min)・・<10min>・・【2】Okayama Korakuen Garden(60min)・・・Lunch==<30min>==Kibitsu Shrine(45min)==<50min>==【3】Bitchu Matsuyama Castle(70min)===<60min>==Stay at Kurashiki Bikan Histrical Area
===by car ・・・on foot
Kurashiki Bikan Historical Area(9:30)・・<10min>・・【1】Ohara Art Museum(120min)・・<10min>・・【2】Kurashiki Bikan Historical Area/Lunch and walk around(200min)==<60min>==Okayama Sta. (16:00)