(1night trip)Enjoy the nature of “Niyodo river,” the clearest stream in Japan, in Kochi

On the first day, you will visit the scenic spot Katsurahama Park, Kochi Castle, one of Japan’s top 100 castles, Chikurin-ji Temple, whose main temple is designated as an important cultural property of the country, and “Makino Botanical Garden.” On the second day, after seeing the “Nikobuchi,” popular for Niyodo Blue , you can experience Kochi’s clean water first-hand by canoeing or rafting on the Niyodo River.

— by car .. on foot 



Kochi Sta.[9:30]–<30min>-Katsurahama Park[60min]–<30min>–Hirome Market/Lunch[90min]..<10min>..Kochi Castle[60min]–<20min>–Chikurinji Temple[30min]..<5min>..Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden[60min]–<30min>–Hotel in Kochi city


Kochi city[9:30]–<70min>–Nikobuchi[30min]–Tosa Washi Crafts Village/ Lunch..Canoe & Rafting in Niyodo River–<60min>– Kochi Sta. ​[16:30]