3nights Course to Enjoy Shikoku(Tokushima, Kochi)​

Enjoy the nature and art in Tokushima and Kochi prefecture! You can experience the art at “Otsuka Museum of Art” and “Monet’s Garden Marmottan in Kitagawa Village,” and experience the big nature at “RYugado cave,” “Nikobuchi of the Niyodo River” and “Iya Valley.”​​


Tokushima Sta.(9:30)==<50min>==【1】Naruto Whirlpool Sightseeing Boat(30min)・・<10min>・・【2】Onaruto Bridge Uzu no Michi(40min)・・<10min>・・【3】Otsuka Museum of Art(Lunch)(150min)==<約200分>==Stay at Muroto city​

===by car ・・・on foot 


Muroto city(8:30)==<15min>==【1】Muroto-misaki Lighthouse & surrounding sightseeing(60min)==<45min>==【2】Monet’s Garden Marmottan in Kitagawa Village(lunch)(150min)==<80min>==【3】Ryugado cave(100min)==<60min>==Stay at Kochi city

===by car ・・・on foot


Kochi city(9:00)・・<15min>・・【1】Kochi Castle(45min)==<30min>==【2】Katsurahama Park(Lunch & Free time)(120min)==<45min>==【3】Nagoya Chinka Bridge(30min)==<30min>==【4】Nicobuchi(60min)==<110min>==Stay at Iya hot springs

===by car ・・・on foot


Iya hot springs(9:00)==<20min>==【1】Iya-no-Kazurabashi Vine Bridge(60min)==<20min>==【2】Oboke Sightseeing Boat Cruise(60min)==Lunch==<100min>==Awaodori-kaikan(60min)・・<5min>・・【3】ropeway and Mt.Bizan(40min)==<15min>==Tokushima Sta.(17:00)

===by car ・・・on foot